19 May 2009

Sweet Bread Balls

What would you do with the leftover food you have? I have seen many of our food bloggers have published recipes with leftovers. I too use it in many ways.Here, my kids have a slogan "eat old, get old"! :) As a food blogger I get lots of chances to handle it, hm? ;)
I have met some personalities who do not touch leftovers.. If they are allergic or they have some health problems I would have agreed with them. But they do it for "no reasons"! They think it is Great! There are few others who send the leftovers to the poor neighbours , that too the next day!
Recently, my aunt sent an email with the link to the short, 6 minute movie CHICKEN A LA CARTE .(This is produced in 2005). When I saw it, I remembered my blog readers, and thought to inform them about it. I request the readers and other blogger friends to check the link if you haven't seen it before, and show it to your kids! I hope seeing this will encourage everyone to wipe tears of some misfortunate.. And we can thank God for giving us a good life!
Ok, this time the recipe is sweet bread balls, my cousin made this when I visited her. When tasted, I felt the absence of cardamom, so I added it when prepared my self. You can make this soon, if you have some unexpected guests! For the first time, I made this with the leftover bread crumbs and egg that remained after making cutlets!.. :) I don't know the actual name of this nalumani palaharam(tea time snack), so share with me if you know.. :)

Bread balls ingredients
bread slices 5
coconut grated 1/2 cup
egg 1
sugar 1 Tb sp or as desired
cardamom powder 1 pinch or crush 1 cardamom
Oil for frying

Preparation method
Crush bread slices and make bread crumbs.
(don't use the ready-made one)
Break egg into this.
Add coconut, sugar and cardamom powder.
Mix well , and make small balls.
Deep fry in oil.
Enjoy! and come back... :)


  1. I can well imagine the taste of delicious cardamom too- looks delicious Seena. :-)

  2. Bread balls looks yummy...lemem have some of those:)

  3. hi seena.. i've tried many of your recipes. All of them came out well.
    We used to get this snack in our hostel (definitely not exactly like this.. that was authentic hostel version :) ) we call this snack as "bread unda". After seeing this recipe, our hostel memories came into my mind... I'll try this recipe.
    u rocks seena!!!
    keep posting..

  4. Look like chicken balls. They are sweet balls :) perfect!

  5. Delicious bread balls Seena...I make a savory version of this...cant wait to try out your recipe :)

  6. mmm, looks very perfect and a nice snack... Nice brown color, its tempting me!!! simple to make too!!!

  7. Wow this doesn't look like leftover made at all...so easy and am sure tastes good too...
    I hog all the leftovers in my house..I don't believe in throwing food at all :)

  8. I think I saw a similar recipe on some other blog yesterday. I had bookmarked that cuz its so simple!

  9. Wow this is an amzing snack! Have never tasted this but I can very well imagine how it would be! Crunchiness of grated coconut, aroma of cardamom and crispness of fried breadcrumbs..yummy!

  10. Interesting recipe seena,when saw the heading I was rushing here to see the recipe:))

  11. thats a very touching video!!

    the bread balls look soo golden n crisp!! awesome!

  12. Sumi,
    thank you dear! "Bread unda" seems nice to call it..you know we called it "bread bomb", since there was nothing to call,but actually it is a spicy and diff. version of snack made with bread slices! :)
    Thanks for trying out my recipes, keep visiting here.. Enjoy cooking! :)

  13. looks simple and delicious just like your title

  14. Lovely idea Seena! Looks great. Bookmarked to try :)

  15. Wow this looks so so yumm and the shape of those balls are so perfect too.
    Hi hi i love that you call them bread bomb, that is what my hubby calls puttu :-)

  16. This is an Excellent website.Keep up the good work.

  17. This is an Excellent site.keep up the good work!!

  18. I know people who don't eat leftovers for health reasons (or tradition/mental conditioning), and some of them, I sense it's a status thing. If only they tasted what all it could be recycled into! :-D

  19. Thanks Najila! Enjoy.. :)

  20. looks yummy and easy to make.jaan pareekshichu nokunnu undu:)

  21. This is a very unique recipe. Looks so good. Turned out perfect for u. YUM!

  22. Sounds like a great appetizer!

  23. Hi dear..
    I got this stuff, when i went to visit one of my relative back home.....That was the first time i had it and forgot about it completely until i saw it here.....Its a tasty snack..I think my cousin also used milk in this one...
    Pinney,my family went to india for vacation...Lucky them....i too feel like going....but planning to on september, and my fmly wud b back in UAE by then...sad na...

  24. Fried to perfection....delicious

  25. lovely n easy snack too...wud definitely love to try it..:)


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