14 Feb 2009

Chettinadu Pepper Chicken

Ask your kid what they think about you.You will get innocent answers.You might have heard the proverb " a friend in need is a friend indeed". But I don't believe it. Most of the time you may get flattering from them.Yeah, they are not dare to tell about your real behaviour, even if they don't like it.If they tell the truth, your friendship may break there at the moment.You may think she / he has hurt your feelings.May be some of you have such good friends other than this kind. Let me tell the truth, me too adjusting many sitting silently.Some times I would ask my kids (and H) what do they find bad in my conduct? I have learnt that is the way to correct my faults.Since kids are with us always, they notice our "outside" deportment and can easily tell about it.(People may have an inside & outside behaviours, at least we can change one).Kids below 10 and above 6 will be able to do it, I think these souls may start lying after ten, as they think saying good thing will make us happy.. :)
When my girl was 4 or 5 she used to play "Ashwamedham" which she learned from the show that was anchored by Mr.G.S.Pradeep, a famous Kairali TV artist. She thought about a lady, who was alive and from our family but I couldn't find out who was it from her answers. I just asked for a clue and she said "that lady is very useful to us, it is difficult for us to live without that lady in the house"! I felt like hearing the lessons in the primary school "Cow is a very useful animal, it gives us milk..." :) Yeah, it was about her mother and all mothers in the world! :) She might have changed her opinion when she grew (now 11) and sometimes says "ma, your character is very bad..." My strictness might have provoked her.. ;)
Don't think am deviating from the food talks. Talking too much about food (or other things) is really boring.(am not talkative, thats why I think so.. :) )So I stop here, and let's see the "chettinadu pepper chicken"...

Chicken pieces 1/2 kg
small onions 4
curry leaves 2 stalks
coriander leaves 2 Tbsp
coriander powder 1 tsp
pepper powder 3 tsp
turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
fennel seeds 2 pinches
cardamom 1 crushed
cinnamon sticks 1/4 " size 2 no.
cloves 3
oil or ghee

Grind together,
Coconut grated 3/4 cup
pepper corns 2 Tbsp
garlic cloves 6 small
ginger 1/4 " piece

How to prepare
Heat little oil, put cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and fennel seeds.
After few seconds, add chicken with all powders and ground paste.
Cook this with enough water and salt.
When the chicken is done, reduce water on a low flame.
Heat a frying pan, pour little oil or ghee.
Saute chopped small onions, curry leaves.
When small onions are brown add the cooked chicken.
Stir slowly until the water evaporates completely and chicken is brown and dry.
Mix with coriander leaves, remove from fire.

This is the recipe of Mrs. Ammu Mathew, Vanitha. Small onions are my addition , so you can avoid it.Adding more pepper powder will give a nice dark color.


  1. I put my best friend, who is like a sister to me even today, in her place once when she crossed the line and was upset with me for a silly reason! I told her NEVER to do that again, she shouldn't take my friendship for granted. She understood and we are still as close as ever after more than 20yrs.
    I don't hesitate to say something if I really think somebody crossed the line but will not hurt people if something forgivable and did something unknowingly! :)

    (PS: That's why I don't have MANY friends but have very few but wonderful friends!!:D)

    Chettinadu Chicken! Slurp! I will have to make this. Have a wonderful V day sweetie!:)

  2. pepper chicken was a huge fave when i was in college. my friends thought i was stupid to order a dry chicken dish with parotta but i loved it that way! :D

  3. That is the age Seena, they will understand later, mom is the Best and done everything for our need. I never had pepper chicken with coconut touch, looks yum!

  4. Hi dear ...
    chettinadu chicken looks mouthwatering ...How r u doing ..Hope u r doing fine ...

  5. Loved the read about the mother-daughter :-)

    pepper chickn luks real gud. I tried your mathi in tamarind and pepper yesterday for my hubby. it came out quite well. thank u :-)

  6. Seena,i loved what you have written.I have only 2-3 good friends and that too old ones..friendship should be time tested and issue tested..But you know seena,friends like you who think reasonable,its rare..can see you from here.Thanks
    your preparation looks yummy as always..give my love to your super daughter.

  7. This is a very nice recipe. Will try it soon. Ur chicken looks so mouthwatering. YUM!

    Belated Valentine's Day!!!!!

  8. Hi Seena you pepper chicken looks really tasty as always. :-)

  9. Seena, I was there with u and ur kids and ur thoughts for a while..I really missed our small chats through phone about kids and family..Missed u soo much..
    Lovely recipe!!

  10. It is always a stride for balance. Like Asha I don't have MANY friends but the few I do, I KNOW that they are truly my friends.

  11. Loved this post da..:)
    The dish looks awesome..cant wait to try it..:)

  12. I am a fan of chettinad chicken...that used to be like a failproof dish which i order during restuarant visits..this one is quite different and unique from what i have seen..will try it out sometime...

  13. Chicken looks delicious! You know I have been blessed with good friends....can tell our opinions honestly. Sometimes I have to be diplomatic and try to be tactful if I think it will hurt my friend. I usually start with lots of sorries,dont feel bads and then get to the point...by that time my friends know that what I am about to tell is serious :) I know it sounds silly but thats the way all of us get to serious discussions. It helps that I know these girls from many years.

  14. I all the chettinadu dishes. it looks yummy

  15. curry in that plantain leaf looks gorgeous!!


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