23 May 2007

Puttu and Kadala

Kadala Curry

Ingredients to make Kadala curry
Black chana / karuppu kadala – one cup
Onion one
Tomato one small
Green chilly one or two
Turmeric powder half teaspoon
Chilly powder half tea spoon
Coriander powder two teaspoons
Ginger half inch piece
Curry leaves few
Mustard seeds one tea spoon
Coconut oil one table spoon
Dry red chilly one

How to prepare
Soak black chana in water for one whole night.
Mix with turmeric, red chily powder and salt.
Cook in enough water till soft.
Take one table spoon chana from this and grind to a paste or mash it.
Mix this in the above cooked kadala.

Again, heat coconut oil, splutter mustard seeds, add red chilly pieces, chopped onion.saute onion till transparent.
Add green chilly, curry leaves and ginger chopped or crushed.
Add tomatoes and coriander powder.
Stir well.
When tomatoes are done, mix with the above kadala solution.check salt.
Remove from fire.

You can make this by adding fried coconut instead of mashing chana. Fry half cup coconut with two small onions chopped and few curry leaves. When it turns brown, add coriander powder of the above quantity. Stir for few seconds. Blend this with enough water. Mix this solution with kadala and the above sautéed ingredients. Then just boil this.

Rice puttu with Kadala curry
Rice puttu

Rice puttu/steam cake

Ingredients and method of preparation
For rice powder
Wash and soak raw rice/ pachari or boiled rice / puzhungallari in water for six or more hours. Drain , and dry grind this to make powder. Fry this in a pan for few minutes.

Or take rice powder one cup. Add enough salt. Pour ¼ cup water over this. Mix well with hands till it crumbles. Sprinkle more water if needed to make it wet. This looks like bread crumbs. Don’t add too much water. If you find it sticky add more powder and mix again.

Boil water in puttu kudam / puttu vessel.
Take puttu kutti/ cylindrical mould; level two table spoons of grated coconut. Then add two handful of above mentioned rice powder. Then level little grated coconut above this to cover the rice powder. Again put two hands full of rice powder above this. Do this till the mould is full. Keep the last layer for coconut. Place the kutti/mould on the puttu vessel. Let the steam come through the kutti/mould. Keep for few minutes till the puttu cooked well. Remove the kutti/mould from the vessel and replace the contents into a casserole with the help of a chapathi roller.

Rava/Rawa Puttu
For making rawa puttu
Take one cup rawa. Dry roast it for few minutes. Let it cool. Add little salt and sprinkle water over this. Mix well with hands till it crumbles. Don’t add too much water. Rawa doesn’t need the amount of water used for rice powder. Some times I add about one or two table spoons of rice flour in rawa to avoid too much of wetness. Just steam this in puttu kutti/mould without adding coconut.
Let it cook for few minutes after steam come out. Take the puttu out and break it. Sprinkle little water and mix again. Then follow the method used to make rice puttu with coconut. This rawa puttu is very soft and we don’t need any curry with this. That much soft and tasty!

Rava puttu first stage

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We can make different kinds of puttu by this method. Wheat/ Godhambu, Badam/ Almond, Ragi/ Panjappullu, Kappa/Tapioca etc are among them.


  1. seenakutty, as usual me first. i remember you posted sometime back that you are going to blog about puttu-kadala too. btw are you taking pics too closely? because it is a bit blurred. why don't you zoom it instead?

  2. Love puttu & kadala curry!!! Will post my version of kadala curry soon :-)


  3. Nice one ...too good ..will try out soon

  4. Mouthwatering combo! I don't have Puttu maker,got to buy one.Kadala curry is excellent,I made it today,lot of protein and fiber!!:D

  5. Oh, ask me how much I love Kuttu, I just don't have Kuttu maker to make on. I am going to get one soon.

  6. I had had puttu once at my friends place and I loved it!!! Thanx for the recipe.. and I'm sure the kadala curry goes really well with puttu!! tx again :)

  7. Hi!
    The dish looks tempting... and this curry goes well with Aappam too..is it not?

  8. Seena, this one looks yummy. viji

  9. nice post, seena. one never tires of puttu and kadala.

  10. I love puttu, but my family (hubby is a gujju) dont much care for it. I did buy some ragi puttu podi, will try it out. Infact the first time i had puttu with kala channa was in fonty, when one of my cooking club friends had made it. She was a mallu. It tasted great with kala channa curry.

  11. for purchasing the puttu maker visit e bay and look for seller id:kerala_stores

  12. Dear Seena-salam

    I am new to your blog. Your recipes are same like my umma's. Whenever I have any doubts with regards to cooking I call my umma, but now I have an option, your blog!


    Shadiya Aboobacker

  13. Wa alaikkum salam Shadiya, thanks for the lovely message, keep visiting here.. :)

  14. hey ,
    i made this for my hubby ...but i was just wondering why grind one tablespoon of cooked chana after boiling the channa and mixing it??....thanks again

  15. Dear Leena,
    Sorry for not giving you an answer, was very busy.. :) Yeah, grinding chana will make the curry thicker and tasty.. got it? :)

  16. hi seena

    i am staying alone with my husband and baby since a month only and cooking was a real tension. with your blog half of it gone ..thanks...

  17. SB, Glad to know my recipes helped you! Keep visiting and commenting.. :)

  18. Hi Seena

    I am new to your blog.i was going thru all ur recipes,they are good.Could you please post some veg curries for rice(daily routine)....I really find no option other than to make sambhar,moru curry,dal and mathanga ellisseri

  19. Hi Seena,

    I am new to your blog. Thanks for sharing your recipes. I made the rawa dosa, the fish curry using coconut milk and the coriander chutney and they came out perfectly. Thanks once again. Your recipes are easy and you give the instructions clearly so that it is very easy to make.


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